The Power of Fear

A New York Times article today talked about how fear is playing into the economic crisis facing the world at this time. It is amazing to me how psychology, economics, and newspapers seek so hard to find answers apart from God and end up pointing clearly to the truth expressed in His Word.

Researchers, professors, and journalists are all studying and discussing investor behavior, the psychology of crowds, and the American response to the economic situation. All of this to come to the conclusion: Fear is a powerful force.

“Instead, the market has become a case study in the psychology of crowds, many experts say. In normal times, it runs on a healthy mix of fear and greed. But fear now seems to rule, with investors often exhibiting a Wall Street version of the fight-or-flight mechanism — they are selling first, and asking questions later. Fear is an immensely powerful force, perhaps more so than greed, said Andrew W. Lo, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has studied investor behavior.”

Fear is mentioned in the Bible as a part of what makes us human. In fact, we are commanded to fear and told it is where wisdom is found when rightly placed. Although this could become an entire thesis on how Jesus redeemed us to offer freedom from the slavery of our misplaced fears and offer blessing to those who fear the Lord alone, I am struck by how the conclusion of this article aligns with the conclusion of the Bible, “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13.

What could happen in our churches, culture and the economy if we were people full of the fear of the Lord? That could be “an immensely powerful force.”


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