Our Wedding Lemonade Stand

It is hard to believe Tim and I were married almost six months ago. We had a wonderful wedding day with family and friends in a little desert oasis in the Valley of the Sun. But throughout the insanity of planning a wedding from across the country, we were pumped to have the opportunity to support an organization we are really excited about. We created a Lemonade Stand to bring attention and support to the work of Lemonade International.

In lieu of party favors, we gave towards this ministry and had the following message on our wedding site:

As we prepare for our wedding and marriage, Tim and I are well aware of the consuming nature of such events and the danger of gluing our eyes securely on ourselves. We have been given so much and we don’t want to lose sight of what brought us together in the first place! We met while both pursuing the desire to be instruments of shalom in a broken and hurting world. And while we believe in a God whose first miracle was making great wine for a fun wedding and we fully plan on a fantastic celebration, we also want to keep our hearts near the least of these and take this opportunity to speak on their behalf. We will be donating to our Lemonade Stand in lieu of party favors but also wanted to give you the opportunity to join us in supporting this great organization working in the largest slum in Tim’s home country of Guatemala. Consider pitching in to our Lemonade Stand in support of Lemonade International.

At our wedding reception, each table had these cards asking our guests to check out the Lemonade Stand information above.

Together, we all raised over $1,000 in support of this powerful ministry. We continue to learn more about the impact being made in this community, especially about the schools, micro-enterprise program, vocational training and incredible relationships built by the staff there. We are grateful to have had this opportunity, though small, and hope to creatively look for additional ways to speak up on behalf of this community. Including, but not limited to, a blog post conveying our excitement and offering links for you to get involved too! Please consider sponsoring a child or teacher, giving a special donation, keeping them in prayer, creating your own Lemonade Stand or allowing us to talk your ear off.


Beauty to the Praise of God


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